Opening hours and prices
opening hours
We are opened 7/7 days, from monday to sunday. Even during public holidays. From 9am to 5.30pm (last admissions 4pm).
Adult : 18,50 €
Children (3 to 12 years old) : 13,00 €
Children less than 3 years old : Free
Personal subscription ticket that allow unlimited visits for 1 year.
NEW : You can change your day ticket into 1 year subscription if you just add few euros at the zoo ticket office. (available the day of your visit). With your annual subscription, you will get advantages during the year such as :
VIP invitations
free entertainements all year long
exclusiv photos
Zoo newsletter subscription
treetop walk* :
Free - free secured access
(forbidden to less than 8 years old and 1,20m tall, no strollers, youngs must be accompagned by an adult, rules available at the welcome office and at the start of the treetop trail)
ask on internet : button "contact"
Or call (since 10 persons)
online ticketing is simpliest !
You can purchase your tickets online by clicking the following button :
Means of payment
you can pay with :
cash money,
Traveller’s check ANCV
Guyacadeau and Guyapass
*Current prices at the date we publish this page, can be revised at any time